
Friday, May 8, 2009

Wildflower Wedding Bouquets

Wildflowers can be one of the most beautiful and eco-friendly ways to decorate your wedding. You can place them in a mason jar, a vintage watering can, or as illustrated below, into a beautiful pitcher or tied to a fence. They come in a variety of colors, so you can even use them for a wedding bouquet, and best of all, you can plant them in your own backyard. Resources are provided below.

offers all sorts of information, such as where flowers can be grown, which regions they are native to, and where to buy seeds.

The book, Bringing Nature Home, reveals how to create an aesthetically pleasing and ecologically healthy garden.

Here's another resource for planting your own wildflower garden from Care2: Beautiful Wildflower Gardens.

Have a great weekend everyone! See you on Monday!

Photos all found on Flickr. From top to bottom: , ,



LOVE that pitcher... it really dresses up the flowers!


I absolutely adore these flowers


sooooooooooo pretty

prosttothehost said...

What a great way to incorporate the surrounding environment!

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